
Alex Koloskov grew up in Kiev, Ukraine where he later attended college and received a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering. He is a self-taught commercial product photographer who never feels constrained to “follow the rules.” His technical background and out-of-the-box thinking helped him develop a unique photography style that is always innovative and crystal clear.

AKELstudio started as a commercial photography studio. Then Alex began a blog where he shared lighting setups and studio photography tips. In 2012, the blog was renamed to Photigy and started producing studio photography lessons and courses. In just two years after its launch, Photigy was used by more than 20,000 students around the world and became the most well-known online educational platform for product/still life studio photographers.

After moving to California from Georgia in 2014, Photigy reopened its doors with a 3000 sqft studio space in Silicon Valley and began inviting other talented instructors to contribute to its line of high-quality product photography and CGI courses.